Saturday, October 2, 2010

NORML.ORG California: State's Largest Labor Union Endorses Marijuana Depenalization Initiative

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September 23, 2010 - Sacramento, CA, USA

Sacramento, CA: The California council of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the state's largest union, has endorsed Proposition 19, The Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Initiative of 2010. If passed, the measure would legalize the private adult possession and cultivation of marijuana, and allow local government the option to regulate the plant's commercial production and sale.

In a letter to the campaign, union President Bill A. Lloyd wrote that passage of Prop. 19 would generate new tax "revenues [that] will help the state and local governments protect and invest in jobs we need to provide for our families.

"[W]e look forward to joining you in any way we can to help pass Proposition 19," the letter concludes.

The SEIU has some 750,000 members in California.

Proposition 19 has also gained support from the council that oversees political activities for the United Food and Commercial Workers in California and four other western states. The Northern California council of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Communications Workers of America Local 9415 and Sign Displays & Allied Crafts Local 510 have also endorsed the campaign.

Other groups backing the campaign include the California state chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Latino Voters League, the National Black Police Association, and the California Council of Churches IMPACT.

Californians favor the measure by a vote of 47 percent to 38 percent, according to the latest statewide poll, published on Wednesday.

For more information, please visit:

    updated: Sep 23, 2010

Control & Tax Cannabis California 2010

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The Dangers and Side Effects of Marijuana

Marijuana is an illegal drug that is used pretty much all over the world. It is a mixture of green and brown shredded dried leaves and stems and heads(which is the plants flower), that come from the Cannabis sativa plant. There is also another form of marijuana that is stronger. This form is known as hashish, which is commonly called hash, that looks like black or brown balls. There are numerous marijuana street names such as weed, pot, grass, reefer, Mary Jane, ganja, and dope.

Marijuana is usually rolled into cigarette papers or cigars that have been hollowed out, and is then smoked. These marijuana cigarettes are called joints or blunts. Marijuana is smoked in water pipes called bongs, or pipes called bowls too. It is sometimes mixed into foods such as brownies and eaten also. THC is the active chemical ingredient in marijuana. When marijuana is smoked, this chemical is passed from the lungs into the bloodstream. It is then transported to the brain and body organs. It will then reach the brain and connect with nerve cells that affect memory, coordination, pleasure, thought, concentration, and sensory and time perception. This creates the high of the marijuana.

Marijuana Short Term Side Effects:

Coordination Loss
Problem solving and thinking difficulty
Altered or distorted perception
Learning and memory problemsMarijuana Long Term Side Effects:

Changes in areas of the brain that affects responses to motivation and stress.
Respiratory problems, such as chronic cough, bronchitis, and more mucus.
Blood pressure changes such as decreased blood pressure.
Impairs ability to fight off infections.
Emotional problems such depression, anxiety, personality disturbances.
Job loss due to failing a drug test.
Fines or jail time if you are caught possessing,using, or selling marijuana.
Fertility problems such as producing less sperm or ovulation problems.
Problems to newborn babies that are born to women who use marijuana such as behavioral and developmental problems.Quitting Marijuana:

Trying to quit marijuana after you have used it for a long time may cause withdrawal symptoms. These may include depression, irritability, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, and anxiety. These withdrawal symptoms usually get worse a few days after quitting marijuana, but will decrease and are usually completely gone in a few weeks after quitting the drug. The best way to quit marijuana is with individual and group counseling. It is not uncommon that some people may have to go into a rehab treatment facility to quit this drug.

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Can I Stop Smoking Weed With an iPod?

Hi there!

I wish to commit this write-up with regards to how, in addition to why it is really likely possible to stop smoking marijuana at the personal privacy of your own private home, by merely making use of your earphones...

Something to Note: Make sure you grasp the fact that the ear-buds alongside virtually any mp3 gizmo that's got the possibility to put into play mp3 type files, is to be implemented when using the Easy Quit Smoking Pot Five Stage Audio Treatment program.

I have been requested plenty of concerns about the option to use headphones with an iPod Nano or any kind of other mp3 gadget with the five phase comfortable and easy quit weed mp3 course in order to eventually manage to stop smoking weed. If you would consider for a minute, to finding advice as well as methods from a person who does this kind of thing for a profession, then merely doing away with the actual expert, meanwhile keeping all of that incredible assistance in place! Then you can imagine the resourcefulness of the rather simple quit burning pot mp3 method!

There's no doubt that it is actually super vital to help fully understand the tendencies of a pot dependency in addition to exactly how it's very different from many other popular drugs.

1st, marijuana is not widely known to get its users physically or "fleshly" dependent, but instead, it's cravings seem the be mental, for the most part... This is the primary reason why there are so many people searching for ways to stop smoking weed on online. In order to expand on this a bit more, marijuana creates more of a psyche & psychological desire for the euphoria that is made from its use, unlike more potent chemicals along the lines of speed, cocaine and heroin produce a powerful bodily craving.

Alright, given that we have a much better understanding of weed along with the specific craving coming from it, let us take a peek at the fact that many men and women purely get sick & tired of marijuana and walk away from it as if it was nothing! On the flip side of the coin though, there are a great number of men and women who continue trying to quit, but end up heading back to smoking pot...

Resolutions to such various unknowns aren't generally simple to resolve, since there are numerous components in each human being that could fluctuate drastically. Factors just like persona, limiting belief, character traits as well as upbringing can play an extremely substantial purpose in the potential as well as disadvantages of people today. After all, there are a multitude of sides to any person involved, things including: Individuality, temperament issues, exactly how the human being was raised, a person's image of self, belief and many others... Remember that sometimes, the techniques used to resolve issues reside deep into the unconscious core of people. Also, it is not necessarily a single verified remedy that will become the magic bullet and solve everybody's battles. People in these predicaments typically possess the ability to quietly think on factors within themselves to help try and come across the origin of motives that may very well be holding them back from finally quitting weed.

Therefore, it is probably a great idea to ever reject the possibility that your current internal sub-conscious could be where the current solutions are. Just by going directly into the inner person, you really might find a few realities that only you can retrieve, while using the support of a tried and true program.

With all that being said, you can probably understand how impressive and favorable the five-phase simple quit pot strategy can certainly be! It guides you through virtually all of the vital process' just like an actual authority would to be able to, by providing time-tested instructions on a day by day time frame. But also, it helps you get access to your personal psyche.

It does all this by means of convenient, audio coaching!

Sure, it requires some effort on your part, but it is not like you we're wanting the situation be resolved with merely a click of a finger correct?

Alright, I've got to run now, but I do hope that my modest article did support you understand a number of fundamental life transforming points around laying off cannabis. If you're looking to stop smoking weed, I wholeheartedly recommend the online audio method. Only take into account, it is never a 1 solution type difficulty, there literally are 100s of sides that hook a man or woman to his/her addictions, and that's why you need an already proven system that works!

In the even that you think you are alone! you are Certainly not... As a matter of fact, (since I'm sure you want to know) I used to be a everyday marijuana stoner myself... Man, I'd think about when I was going to be able to hit another joint as soon as I got out of bed! Occasionally, I would be thinking about it even prior to waking up, while still sleeping!

What it really comes down to is, what do you really want to do with your life... As the saying goes, "when there is a will, there's definitely a Way!"

Marijuana has been known to cause serious side effects for long-term smokers... If you want more info regarding how to stop smoking pot, just click how to stop smoking marijuana.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How To Stop Marijuana Cravings

Would you like to learn proven methods to stop marijuana cravings from tempting you?

According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse that was conducted in 2001, it is estimated that 83 million Americans have tried marijuana. It is also estimated that 5.6 million of these users reporting having problems with illicit drug use and more than 2 million of these users feel dependent on smoking marijuana.

There are effective treatments and supplements that you can take to control the urge to smoke marijuana, however not everyone can afford to go to a rehab clinic or fork out hundreds of dollars for craving supplements that may or may not work.

This is where Emotional Freedom Technique (or EFT) comes into place. It is free, quick, easy and very effective at stopping cravings of all kinds including craving to smoke marijuana joints.

So what is EFT?

EFT is in simple terms, a method to break habits. By applying pressure on certain areas of your body whilst thinking about your craving you can reverse this craving for whatever it is you do not want. The technique is also used to send positive affirmations to your subconscious mind. The technique looks very strange but it is very simple to do and very effective. I would recommend everyone try this technique as it is so simple to achieve results.

What you will be doing is tapping with our fingertips on certain key points of the body. Just before tapping and during tapping you should concentrate on your craving. For example, if you wanted to smoke a joint, you would think about smoking a joint and imagine yourself already smoking a joint.

It's very simple stuff and can be performed by anyone. Results are instant and the whole process should not take you more than 3 minutes to complete.

The Cannabis Coach provides an interactive complete marijuana stop-smoking system to guide you through your mental and physical cravings from your quit date on to smoke-free status. Get your life back on track and start saving money! - Fight Off Your Marijuana Munchies sent a batch off their product over to Baked Life for testing. Actually you can get a sample too if you go to their web page. The Anti Munchies dietary supplement works by targeting the same cannabinoid receptors.

How does it work? Your body contains specialized proteins called cannabinoid receptors. The receptors are responsible for hunger regulation. After almost three years of testing (and consuming every type of candy and pizza out there), we came up with a mix of just the right herbal blend to offer maximum munchie relief from the activated cannabinoid receptors.
If you ever need to put a stop to your munchies this is the way to go. Munchies are fun a lot of the time but sometimes eating a whole pizza isn't the best way to spend an afternoon. Anti Munchies seemed to stop my appetite from ever reaching munchie status.


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Marijuana Out From Under, Why You Should Quit And the Reasons Why You Should

Marijuana crushes kills and destroys many people, it does many things to you and it ends and changes many lives, here are the facts on the deadly drug and here are the reasons why you should quit, along with that, I have the help for you to help you quit your addiction to marijuana.

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana is a green, brown or a gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the hemp plant Cannabis. There are over 200 street names for marijuana including pot, herb, dope, reefer, grass, weed, ganja, boom, gangster and chronic.

Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette (called a joint or a nail) or in a pipe or bong. In recent years, marijuana has appeared in blunts, which are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and refilled with the drug marijuana, often in a combination with another drug, such as crack. Some users also mix marijuana into foods or use it in their tea.

The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahedron. The effects of marijuana on the user depend on the strength or potency of the delta-9-tetrahedron it contains.

Delta-9-tetrahedron has been used to treat wasting syndrome in AIDS patients

What are the short-term effects of Marijuana use?

The short-term effects of marijuana use include problems with memory and learning; distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, and touch.) It can also cause difficulty in thinking and problem solving, loss of coordination, increased heart rate, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Delta-9-tetrahedron in marijuana is strongly absorbed by the fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces of delta-9-tetrahedron can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. In heavy chronic users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using marijuana.

What are the long-term effects of Marijuana use?

People who smoke marijuana often have similar or same respiratory problems as cigarette smokers. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, and more frequent chest colds. They are also at greater risk of getting an infection of the lungs like pneumonia. Marijuana contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarette smoke.

Effects of Heavy Marijuana Use on Learning and Social Behavior

Marijuana affects memory, judgment and perception. Learning and concentration skills are impaired among people who use the drug heavily. Longitudinal research on marijuana use among young people below college age indicates those who use marijuana have lower achievement than those who do not; there are also more acceptances of deviant behavior, more delinquent behavior and aggression, greater rebelliousness, worse relationships with parents, and more associations with delinquent and drug-using friends.

Effects on Pregnancy

Any abuse of a drug can affect the health of a mother and some studies have found that infants born to mothers who used marijuana during pregnancy were smaller than those born to mothers who did not use the drug. In general, smaller babies are more likely to develop health problems.

A nursing mother who uses marijuana passes some of the delta-9-tetrahedron to the baby in her breast milk. Research indicates that the use by a mother during the first month of breast-feeding can impair the infants motor development.

Addictive Potential

A drug is addicting if it causes compulsive, uncontrollable drug craving, seeking, and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.

While not everyone who uses marijuana becomes addicted, when a user begins to seek out and take the drug compulsively, that person is said to be dependent or addicted to the drug.

Some frequent, heavy users develop a tolerance for marijuana. Tolerance means that the user needs larger doses of the drug to get the same desired results that he or she used to get the first time they used to drug.

Marijuana is a drug that is ruining our lives; we need to change what we are doing and where we are going because marijuana is changing the lives of many people. One thing I have to say is that in the link below I have a program for you that will change you, quit marijuana and any other drug check it out, it was meant for you.

Michael Jones of the Help Me Help You Corporation, always here to help, Michael has been into helping others for about 6 years and he has changed peoples lives with the programs he has to offer, he has jump started the businesses of many people and now he has help to offer to you, why because I am here to help and I am here to help you quit your addiction and take your life back and to get the program Click Here [].

Marijuana - A Dangerous, Addictive Substance

Marijuana is a dreaded term in the world of drug addiction. It happens to be one of 200 names for a substance similar to tobacco, composed of dried leaves, stems, flowers and seeds of the hemp plant. It is a dull colored mixture in various shades of gray, brown and green and is often referred to as weed, pot, grass, herb, hashish and boom. Hashish happens to be the most potent form of marijuana. The substance contains an active chemical called THC or delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol. Irrespective of the form in which it is consumed, it has a strong impact on the way the mind works altering its responses and behavioral mechanism. Marijuana was initially used for medicinal purposes, to heal and numb severe pain, but its addictive powers gripped thousands who tasted it and needed respite from problems. Today, it is banned legally but is smuggled through secret channels and commands exorbitant prices.

Marijuana can be smoked like a cigarette with the powder rolled in special paper, and lit at one end. Its absorption when consumed in this manner is almost instantaneous, reaching the part of the brain controlling emotions like pleasure, concentration, thinking, memory and coordination. Its unification with the nerve cell receptors negatively affects these activities. Consequently, feelings like pain, sorrow, stress, and depression give way to an elated feeling however short lived it may be. This probably explains the reason why people are so easily addicted to it and become obsessed about it. Marijuana becomes an all consuming passion with people thinking about ways and means of procuring it, waiting in animated anticipation about the joy of having it, and are paranoid about not being able to get enough. The need for it is so intense that values, principles and morals are all forgotten just to be able to get marijuana. The most alarming aspect of taking marijuana is that the body begins to crave for the substance, and gradually the body reaches a 'high' after taking increasing quantities of it.

Addiction to marijuana is the toughest thing to shake off. Even alcohol addiction is easy to overcome in comparison. Even though addicts are well aware of the consequences of their addiction, they are unable to give it up no matter how hard they try. They tend to consume more to forget what harm it is doing to their body. The addiction comes with a social stigma attached not just for the addict but also for his whole family, who begin to feel like social outcasts.

Addiction to marijuana has long terms effects like difficulty with remembering, incoherent thought process, inability to concentrate and work consistently. This triggers off related problems like absenteeism, lack of commitment and seriousness towards the job at hand. It is then only natural to find addicts being fired from work or being gracefully asked to resign. Friends and eventually family disown such individuals when matters get worse consistently. He begins to be perceived as a threat to society and he is shunned completely.

Addiction to marijuana is like being afflicted with a disease, and needs proper, organized treatment which is generally a combination of medication and counseling. The counseling sessions often rope in family members and those falling in the addict's immediate circle. Behavioral therapy also reveals encouraging results for addicts and helps them overcome their urge to smoke this substance. He needs support and reassurance at every step and the end result has to keep him motivated to give up this habit. He needs to think of all that he will gain in the long term, if he gives up on the feeling of bliss and ecstasy that is purely transient after smoking this substance that most believe to be worse than poison.

Gunmen Kill 19 at Drug Rehab Center in Northern Mexico

MEXICO CITY — Getting treatment for drug addiction has become a dangerous activity in the northern state of Chihuahua, where gunmen allied with drug cartels have staged numerous attacks on rehabilitation centers, including a particularly vicious massacre on Thursday night that left 19 men dead, the authorities said Friday.

At least two dozen assailants raided the Faith and Life Center in Chihuahua city just before 11 p.m., the authorities said. After rousting the patients and ordering them to lie face down, the gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons, killing 19 people and wounding at least 4 others, according to the police and news accounts from the scene. The authorities recovered 184 bullet casings, the newspaper El Universal reported.

And in Ciudad Madero, a city in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, the bullet-riddled bodies of 18 men and 2 women were found Friday in five different parts of the city, The Associated Press reported. The attack on Thursday at the rehabilitation center was not the first such attack. The night before, one man was killed and another was wounded at a rehabilitation center in Ciudad Juárez, a troubled border city in Chihuahua State.

Last September, at another rehab center in the city, within sight of the United States-Mexico border, 17 young men were killed by multiple gunmen, who managed to escape into the night.

The police have attributed those attacks and others to rival drug gangs seeking to wipe out opponents who are undergoing treatment for addictions. Patients are usually locked inside the centers to keep them away from the streets, making them particularly vulnerable to attacks.

President Felipe Calderón, in South Africa for the opening of the World Cup, issued a statement condemning the attack. “These are outrageous acts that reinforce the conviction of the need to use the full force of the law against criminals that perform these barbaric acts,” he said.

The killers left behind a statement of their own. “This is what happens to pigs, rats, killers, kidnappers, rapists,” it said.

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The Model 419 - The Stainless Steel Pipe

The Model 419 pipe is a pipe geek's dream.

Vaporizers are all the rage these days. Everyone wants to live a cleaner, greener life. Comparing the Model 419 to a vaporizer is like comparing a Lamborghini to a Prius. Baked Life got one of these pipes to try out, and it's definitely a treat to take for a spin and for $100 dollars you can enjoy the luxury too.

The Model 419 is a medium sized pipe made completely out of stainless steel. It's actually a little smaller than you'd expect. The whole thing is actually four smaller pieces, one of which is a custom made screen. If you're a maintenance nerd you'll love that. I had a great time taking mine to pieces and making sure it was squeeky clean for the next smoke.

This pipe never get's clogged because it's easy to clean and it's custom filter is placed below the bowl and stops all debris. Every hit from comes through cooled by the cooling fins and tastes clean. Don't worry about the pipe getting hot, it doesn't happen.

The top of the pipe swivels to cover the bowl. This means that you can pack your bowl full of your finest herb, swivel the pipe closed and not have to worry about losing a single leaf of your weed during travel.

Model419 sells their pipes in a number of online headshops including Grass City. They also sell it on their own website at Check it out and let us know what you think.


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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Medical Marijuana Workers in California Join Union Local

In what cannabis fans were calling a high-water mark for their movement to legitimize the drug, about 100 employees of medical marijuana-related businesses in Oakland were welcomed to the ranks of unionized workers on Friday after voting to join the United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 5.

The move — which union officials said was the first time medical marijuana employees had been so represented — was hailed by the local’s leadership, who called their new members ‘great workers.”

“This is a natural for us,” said Ron Lind, the president of Local 5, whose 26,000 other members work primarily in groceries and the meat industry. “Our union’s primary jurisdiction is retail.”

The move was also welcomed by Richard Lee, the founder of Oaksterdam University, the medical marijuana trade school whose Oakland campus employs some 60 newly unionized members in its dispensary, gift shop and nursery. (For plants, not children.) Mr. Lee that said his employees were already offered health benefits and paid vacation, but that the union imprimatur was an important milestone in the battle to bring marijuana more into the mainstream.

“It’s one more step towards ending federal restrictions,” said Mr. Lee, a leading proponent of a November ballot measure which would legalize, regulate and tax the drug in California. Marijuana, legal for medical use in California and more than a dozen other states, is still prohibited by federal law.

Officials in Oakland, which has an unemployment rate of more than 17 percent, also cheered the move — and the movement — as a potential boon for the city.

For the workers themselves, however, their new status as union members was somewhat of a personal triumph.

“Now I can go home to my parents and they can see it’s a good thing and a normal thing,” said Cassie Leone, a tattooed 24-year-old who works at a local marijuana dispensary. It made her feel like a “hardworking human being,” she said. “Which is what I am.”

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How to Quit Smoking Pot

One of the challenges that many people face is transitioning out of adolescence and becoming fully functioning adults. Many times this means leaving behind the bad habits of one's youth. Among the habits that people want to kick is smoking marijuana. However, many marijuana smokers have found that quitting weed can be quite challenging and this article will discuss how to quit smoking pot effectively.

How to quit smoking pot

There are many reasons why a person may want to stop using marijuana. These reasons may be legal, financial, health or personal reasons. Yet regardless of the reason, the process for stopping pot use is ultimately the same. The fact of the matter is that marijuana is a drug and no matter what pro-marijuana activists tell you, this is the reality of the situation. And though some claim that marijuana is not physically addictive like alcohol or nicotine, there can still be complications and marijuana withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to quit smoking weed for good. Therefore, it has been shown that if you make a plan to quit weed, you will likely enjoy greater success.

In order to quit smoking pot you will need to be willing to make certain changes. Quitting weed requires that you re-train the brain and to do this you are going to have to take certain actions. First, you will need to cease hanging out with your weed smoking friends. This does not mean that you have to stop being their friends, but you will not be able to be in their company when they are using the drug if you want to successfully quit smoking weed yourself. The reason for this is simple and comes down to cravings. If you put yourself in a situation wherein you usually smoked marijuana, your brain is going to bombard you with marijuana cravings which can make successfully quitting marijuana all the more difficult.

The second thing that you are going to have to do is to pick up or develop some healthy hobbies. Most marijuana addicts spend a lot of time using their drug. In order to quit smoking marijuana, you must involve the brain in body in other activities in order to get your mind off the sudden lack of marijuana. Many people find that an exercise program can be especially helpful in helping them get off marijuana because it involves the body and brain while draining some of the energy that would otherwise be used in marijuana cravings.

It is important to realize that quitting marijuana is a process and you may not be successful on your first attempt. Learning from your mistakes and learning how to quit smoking weed is the process by which you educate yourself about what works and what does not. So, be gentle with yourself but remained determined. And, for most people, quitting marijuana is something that, once achieved, can make a substantial difference in a person's quality of life.

As I have said before, learning how to quit smoking marijuana is a process. You will learn from doing and learn from your mistakes. The important thing to realize is that anyone, even people addicted to weed can successfully drop a bad pot-smoking habit if they put their mind to it and display determination.

About Marijuana

Weed, pot, Mary Jane, herb, dope, grass. Marijuana goes by many names, but no matter what you call it, it remains the number one illegal recreational drug in the United States. Though some states have laws permitting the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, possession and distribution of the drug is still largely considered a misdemeanor. Yet, regardless of whether or not any drug is legal, abuse is still possible and always very harmful. Despite arguments for and against its use, marijuana users may not be immune to addiction.

A by-product of the Cannabis sativa plant, marijuana has been used by various cultures for centuries for medicinal and spiritual uses. The ancient Aryan Indians used a form of cannabis in tribal rituals, and the drug has been known to treat discomfort from headaches, glaucoma, and nausea resulting from chemotherapy. Marijuana also has a strong association to pop culture. It is not uncommon for people to pass around a joint during a rock concert, while recent films like "Half Baked" and "Harold and Kumar" have helped bring marijuana use into the mainstream.

It is the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, in marijuana that effects the immune system during intake. THC may promote a prolonged feeling of relaxation and/or disorientation in users, that "stoned" feeling that encourages sleepiness and increases the appetite (also known as "getting the munchies"). Enjoying such a euphoria may encourage some to continue using the drug on a regular basis.

A number of negative side effects, including loss of memory and increasing paranoia, are thought to be attributed to overuse of the drug. Like ordinary tobacco, regular use of marijuana may also increase the risk for lung cancer and other related illnesses. It is also argued that marijuana is a "gateway" drug, leading users to try harder stimulants and narcotics once the body has become accustomed to THC's numbing effects, yearning for a stronger high.

Signs that a person may be abusing marijuana might include:

Sudden mood changes, depression and listlessness

Redness in the eyes

Problems with concentration, short-term memory loss

Change in appearance

Marijuana has a distinct odor that lingers in clothes and hair when smoked

Users of marijuana, whether for medicinal or recreational use, should be made aware of the risks of addiction and possible health damage. Parents who suspect their young children of abusing the drug look for the signs and consult professional help as soon as possible.

Stephanie Loebs is the executive director of Williamsburg Place, one of the top drug rehab clinics in the nation. Williamsburg Place aids those who suffer from drug and/or alcohol addiction, and specializes in caring for health care professionals. For over twenty years Williamsburg Place and its joint rehabilitation center, the William J. Farley Center, have helped thousands of people from all walks of life take back their lives and overcome substance abuse.

Quitting Marijuana - Why Should You Stop & How?

There are so many people addicted to the so-called grass or marijuana. There are so many people who thought that using marijuana can give them comfort in their lives. They thought that they'll be happy, relaxed and fulfilled. But it is too late for them to realize that using marijuana can only bring them harm, not good. Therefore, if you are a user, it is never too late for you to stop using it. It may NOT be easy to quit smoking pot but it is not impossible.

Studies show that adolescents as young as 12 start to smoke marijuana. Many give it a try at this age because of curiosity. Others reasoned that they just want to belong to their friends and so they decided to try the puff. However, regardless of what reason it may be it does not justify the use of marijuana. Remember, scientific study showed that addiction to this weed is fatal since it can cause lung cancer and other deadly diseases.

Smoking cigarettes affects a body of a person. It can make the person physically unhealthy. On the other hand, smoking marijuana affects a person's body in that it can make a person very sick. Marijuana does not only affect the body but also the person's minds. An addict may lose memory, emotional sensitivity and even lose self-esteem. Smoking pot is deadlier since it deposits three times as much tar in a person's lungs compared to cigarettes. So, if you want a healthy body and a healthy mind, then stop smoking marijuana.

Once you decide to stop your marijuana addiction, the next question is "How to do it"? It is not easy to stop smoking pot. There are so many things that you must do. First, set your mind not to use it. Avoid and remove all those things that relate to marijuana. If you have that inside or outside your house, then throw it away. There are also types of music that relates to marijuana, so better get rid of them. Choose your friends and avoid those who will influence you in the usage of marijuana. Engage in healthful and educational activities. So, never watch those shows which only promote using drugs like marijuana. Good mindset and determination will play a vital role so that you can eventually reach your objective of quitting marijuana. You should have a good action plan and be determined to stick to this plan. Reach out to good friends and be humble enough to accept help. You should ask for the support of your family and friends and reveal to them your aim to stop the addiction. This is not an easy process. There may be times along the way that you still find yourself smoking the weed, but eventually you will have a good momentum of not even touching a marijuana weed. Just be determined and continue the hardwork. Gather all the positive factors so that you can live a healthy life inside and out.

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NORML.ORG US CA: Moratorium Extended For A Year, Until October 2011

Daily Headlines

(Source:Visalia Times-Delta)
20 Sep 2010

Visalia City Council members earlier tonight voted, 5-0, to extend for a year a moratorium on medical-marijuana dispensaries in the city.  The moratorium also prohibits "collective or cooperative cultivation and distribution enterprises."

The extension starts Oct.  19 and ends Oct.  18, 2011.  Visalia officials have stopped short of completely shutting down medical-marijuana consumption or private "grows," but has outlawed dispensaries themselves within the city limits of Visalia. 

Proponents of medical marijuana and council members agreed that a vote must be first taken in November on a state ballot measure, Prop.  19, which conditionally legalizes marijuana, before any substantive ordinance on medical marijuana can realistically be crafted for Visalia. 

Terrill Brown, M.D., physician director of Medical Cannabis of Visalia, is a proponent of medical marijuana, but opposes Prop.  19 because there is no provision in the legislation which protects the rights of medicinal marijuana users. 

Brown also said that current city code-enforcement actions in Visalia which have effectively shut down private gardens have prevented medical-marijuana users from growing their own medicine.  Instead, patients are forced to pay high prices, up to $70 for every eighth of an ounce, to dispensaries located outside the Visalia city limits. 

Powered by MAPMAP posted-by: Matt

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Steps to Quit Smoking Pot Today

So, who needs to quit marijuana? More people than you may think.

Once relegated to the various American subcultures, marijuana use is now common among all elements of our society. Kids in the suburbs and the cities are using it. Their parents are using it.

Teachers, principles, bosses and government officials are using it. In fact, it ranks behind alcohol and tobacco as the most commonly used controlled substance in America.

Yes, it can be argued that marijuana is less dangerous than other drugs, and no more dangerous than alcohol. But is that really saying much?

How many lives have been ruined by addiction to alcohol?

To be no more dangerous than another dangerous drug is, in fact, admitting that marijuana is, in fact, dangerous. People will need to quit marijuana for the same reasons that people need to quit alcohol. It can be ruining their lives.


Many will argue that marijuana is not addictive, and to a certain extent, that is true. There is no specific chemical in the drug that causes the body to form a critical dependency, like the nicotine in cigarettes does. You don't experience the hideous and debilitating withdrawal symptoms that you get with heroin and other opiates.

But additive behavior is not always caused by a specific chemical, but can be the result of a physiological dependency on the overall effect that the drug produces in the mind and the body. People find that they are addicted to marijuana when the try to quit marijuana and fail.


People can become dependent on any thing that relieves pain, stress or anxiety. This is particularly true in our stress ridden modern society.

Television, music, web sites, pornography, shopping and gambling do not involve the introduction of chemicals into the system, but addictions to each of these activities is recognized and treated.

But why quit marijuana?

Like the examples above, marijuana use can interfere with your life. When you are using the drug, your body and mind are affected in ways similar to alcohol. Your judgment is impaired, your thought processes altered and your attitude is not conducive to getting things done. This is fine if you are relaxing, but jobs and classes require more on the ball than you tend to have if marijuana is in the picture.

Showing up for school or work under the influence of marijuana is the same as showing up drunk. You are impaired, and your work will show it.

If this is happening to you, you need to quit marijuana. Quitting marijuana, or any addictive substance or behavior, is not easy. Your mental and physical coping methods have adjusted to the stress reliever you have introduced and will not be equipped at first to handle life without it.

You must want to do make the change. You must see that life without marijuana can be better than life with it.

You will also need help. Several programs exist that can assist you quit marijuana. By giving you alternative means to handle stress, accountability and support, they can significantly increase your chances of success.

Don't fool your self that you don't need to quit marijuana because you are the one person out of all the others who can handle it.

It isn't affecting your life. You're just as good on marijuana as others who are straight.

But look at your life.

Are you where you want to be? Need to be?

Can you see yourself still where you are 20, 30, 40 years from now? Have you lost family, friends, jobs, relationships over your marijuana use?

It may be time to quit marijuana.

Peter Hill is an expert in helping people change their habits. He runs an informational website with articles, tips, video and stories to help people learn the steps to quit smoking pot, naturally and easily, without cravings or discomfort. To take advantage of this cool stuff and more make sure to check out Peter's site Steps To Quit Smoking Pot.

Quit Smoking Grass Today - Why Marijuana is Harmful and How You Should Stop It

Are you addicted to weed and grass and you want to quit the habit? Though not an easy task but, it is not impossible. Sometimes it happens that you have a dual mind and one part is ready to quit and the other does not. The decision needs to be taken by you and only you will have to take the final call.

According to a recent survey more than 39% of youths aged between 12 to 17 years have tried the puff at least once out of curiosity. The drug is often called by different names. Sometimes we call it Ganja, some times Mary Jane or grass and few of us call it weed or pot. The thing is one and the same. It is a shredded mixture of dried leaves and flowers of Cannabis Sativa plant which is hand rolled like cigarettes or sometimes used in bongs or pipes. The addiction is deadly in terms of your health because it causes lung cancer.

People often ask the question - is smoking marijuana more harmful or smoking cigarettes?

The answer is simple - Both have equally hazardous effects. The only difference is that they affect different parts and functions of a normal body. Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, addiction of nicotine, deposition of tar, etc. Weed smoking deposits thrice as much tar on the lungs as a cigarette, causes several short term side effects which can translate to long term effects such as memory loss, insensitiveness, etc.

These are some of things that you can do to stop smoking pot effectively. Other than these, you can always think up of new ideas in case you fall short. In many cases, smokers develop specific plans to suit their unique life and needs. For example, a woman who smokes only under depressions watches movies which make her laugh, keeps reading jokes, attends laughter club and never fights with anyone. As a result of this, she has managed to cut back on her smoking almost completely.

If you are determined to quit the habit then I will suggest you few basic tips of quitting grass and weed-

Do not listen to Psychedelic or hard rock music or any music which relates to Marijuana.
Try to avoid the company of friends and colleagues who smoke grass.
Never watch movies or shows something about grass, it may be a good movie but still refrain from watching it.
Try watching educational and news channels. A serious mind is a fruitful mind, an empty one is a devil's workshop.
Throw away any ashtrays around the house. All matches and lighters also go away. Put up no smoking signs all over the place. If you do not smoke, ensure that no one around you smokes.
Throw away all your accessories which can remind you about the pot.

Eventually, you will have to come up with your own tailor made ideas to suit your needs. No two smokers quit in the same way so you will have to think and brainstorm and decide, most importantly, that you have to quit smoking pot and marijuana today.

For more articles and resources as to how you can quit smoking effectively, watch videos and get more ideas, visit:

How To Stop Marijuana Addiction Positively

Let's face it, people smoke marijuana because it feels good and often because they think it is not a big problem like other harder drugs. Humans are creatures of pleasure and if it did not feel good we would not do it. However there comes a time when the no matter how good it feels it seems like we come back to weed out of habit, it has become the norm and ingrained in our lives so tightly that when we think on how to stop marijuana addiction it up feels painful and negative.

As was mentioned however we seek pleasure and we seek activities and moments that feel good and positive. This means that the negative aspects of quitting something that used to feel so good and are now comfortable and a part of our lives can seriously hamper your attempts to give up on the drug. There feels like there is no reward and only pain when giving up an addiction and a psychological addiction like pot is driven by the reward of the high. So to really be able to quit smoking marijuana you must find a way to be positive about the process and stay positive throughout the period no matter what happens!

It may be easy to start being positive and it is a good first step. You must first realize what benefits quitting will have from better health, more time, more money to spend and the feeling that you control your own life instead of it being dominated by a substance. The boost in self esteem you will get by quitting can be amazing and all the other benefits can seem obvious and this is what drives many to start on the path to being free of the drugs.

It is only later it can really get hard to remain focused as you feel unrewarded and are dying to get high again. While it may sound trite to say remain positive it must be said but here are some tips to help you stay up and remain on track.

Write down positive notes

Remember all those good things you thought would be yours after you were clean? By now they might be a bit dimmed but it does not mean they are not real achievable targets. Write down all the positive things that will come at the end of your journey and keep them in sight somewhere you will continually view them. While you are at it write down every positive thing that happens because you are not smoking.

Build on your success

Focus on your victories and successes rather than any failures of weaknesses you may have during this period. While it will not change reality like some proponents of positive thinking will have you believe it keeps you from falling into negative thoughts which then lead you to seek short term relief such as drugs. By staying positives however you will avoid this trap and give yourself a better chance at quitting.

Staying positive is the key for how to stop marijuana addiction or any addiction for that matter and will help you in all parts of your life. I hope these tips can help you on your effort to quit.

Did you find this article helpful?
Are you sick of wasting your life in a cloud or marijuana smoke?
Do you want to kick your pot addiction successfully?
If so click here to find out the best way to leave pot addiction behind!

Quit Smoking Marijuana - What Are Your Options For Recovery?

Smoking marijuana is a growing problem across the world. As the cost continues to come down, more and more people in all walks of life are turning to the "evil weed". If you are fed up of being addicted to "pot", there are many options out there that will help you to try and quit smoking marijuana.

Whilst marijuana is addictive, it is the lesser of the evils when compared to other drugs such as heroine. However, as it is most often mixed with tobacco and smoked, it can be extremely habit forming.

The effects of marijuana vary significantly from person to person. For the lucky few, they actively do not like the drug. For many, it relaxes them and lightens the mood, often resulting in a fit of the "giggles". For some, it transports them to a relaxed place where the responsibilities of life simply ebb away.

What causes people to form a habit can also vary. Whether it is due to peer pressure, boredom, or simply to try something new. For those who form a daily habit, the effects can be disastrous; resulting in apathy, lack of ambition and an eventual lack of respect for the user.

If you are not happy with facing your problems in public, there are many online sources or books available. These are the least effective ways to quit smoking marijuana. Whilst will power and a self determination are required, having a support network is vital.

There are many trained counselors that can help. Available through your doctor, you are able to have one to one or group sessions. Many also incorporate meditation sessions, to help focus the mind on more positive thoughts.

More physical techniques are also very effective. Amongst these is yoga. Working much the same way as meditation, but also helping with breathing, this is a method that enjoys much respect across the world.

Peter Hill is an author and expert on helping people change their habits. He runs an informational website with articles, video's, ebooks and Quit Smoking Marijuana Tips. For all this and more, be sure to check out his web site Quit Smoking Marijuana

Commit - Stop Smoking Weed

Deciding to stop smoking weed can be a life changing experience. Smoking pot starts to run your life and it can sometimes feel that there is no possible way to quit altogether. Although it can seem hopeless it is possible to quit smoking weed. The process of cutting marijuana out of your life is a long process but in order to succeed you have to be 100% committed to becoming clean.

While there are thousands of people that have tried to quit only a small percentage actually stay weed free. The majority of marijuana smokers do not believe they are addicted to the drug and can quit whenever they want which makes it harder to quit. What must be understood is that marijuana is an addictive drug and is very difficult to stop. The long term pot smoker will have problems sleeping and going about their everyday lives you have to be prepared.

If you have made the decision to stop smoking weed prepare yourself for the mental withdrawal that will follow. If you prepare yourself for the sudden lifestyle change you will be more likely to succeed. When you smoke marijuana you are given a "high" feeling and that is what you are addicted to. Smokers are more addicted to the feeling that they feel than the actual marijuana. Weed begins to grab a hold of you in a psychological way and that is what makes quitting so difficult to do. Your brain will crave that high when you stop so you have to be ready.

When you smoke marijuana you lose the ambition to succeed and can also lose the need to socialize. Ones work life can suffer tremendously when on weed. Those who are addicted begin to smoke before work and sometimes even during work hours. Showing up to work stoned will get you fired fast and if caught you will build a reputation of using drugs. Friends and family also begin to fade when you are on weed. Smoking weed takes priority over everything so family obligations are put on the side burner and friends who don't smoke weed are no longer around. Once you quit you will have more energy and will begin to rebuild the relationships that have suffered because of your abuse of marijuana.

The mental withdrawal that weed smokers experience can be difficult to push through but once you get passed this step everything else that follows will be much easier to get through. Although quitting weed is difficult it can be done and the benefits of quitting will be well worth the process. You can get your life back and start living. No more spending every cent on pot, no more revolving your life to accommodate an illegal habit. Stop smoking weed now!

Many people want to stop smoking weed but are not aware of what the process involves. Visit to find great tips and guidelines when going through this process.

Quit Smoking Pot Today! I Discovered a Way to Quit and Manage the Psychological Side Effects Easily

Enjoy Life...Not High

Imagine living everyday to the fullest without a cloud always around your head. After you quit smoking pot few months you will look back and not recognize the person you used to be.

Marijuana is the most used illicit drug in the United States. I recently learned that in 2005 nearly 300,000 people signed themselves into rehab to quit smoking weed. Let's face it most of us are either smokers or ex-smokers. Of course there are a few who have never even tried pot, my thoughts, most did but refuse to admit it.

Either way at some point it becomes too much of a burden on your physical, mental and even psychological thought process to continue. Its time to quit!!!

Now for all those who say smoking pot is not addictive beware, yes physically it is not an addictive drug, however anyone who has ever tried to quit before knows there are serious withdrawal symptoms that can occur. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, mood changes, feeling irritable, loss of appetite and changes in sleep patterns among others. Most of these symptoms are due to changes in brain activity and nerve cell neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters are key to motivation, positive feelings, proper thought processing and memory. Not to mention trying to sleep!

So how exactly do you quit and control your emotional relationship to your old friend mary jane?

First you must decide its finally time to quit and get your butt in gear. I smoked for years and there is no doubt in my mind that I missed a lot of opportunities and disregarded many an important occasion, date, etc. just to stay home and get high. You need to decide to quit today. Then you need a support system to help you through the process of actually quitting and dealing with the consequences. For me I just could not deal at first. Then a friend of mine happened to mention he had a friend that had been in the process of developing a dietary supplement to help people quit smoking pot. He said I could try it for free and see if it helped at all. Let me just tell you this guy had it pegged. Not only was I able to quit, I had very little withdrawal symptoms at all. Now I had already tried the e-books and audio programs out there and while they were very informative and helpful, this really worked for me and maybe it can work for you too.

All I can say is its worth a look. If you are trying to quit and struggling this may be just what you have been waiting for. For now I thought I just had to tell somebody how well this has worked for me.

Authored by Jim Cipriano. I did it and you can too! For more info check out this website.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Marijuana Addiction Kills Just One More

A male cyclist was run down and killed by an escaped prisoner in a stolen van. The escaped prisoner was smoking marijuana. If this wasn't bad enough, we find out that the poor man was eagerly looking forward to the birth of his second child.

Cobbler Naqibullah Aman, 25, died instantly when he was hit at 60mph by Malachi Adam-Smith, 20, who had been smoking a form of marijuana, called skunk cannabis. He hit several vehicles and almost knocked down a group of children before the fatal crash.

Mr Aman, an Afghan refugee living in Hounslow, London, was cycling home from work when the van ploughed into him from behind. He didn't stand a chance and he was another silent victim of the 'hidden killer', marijuana.

The dead man's family told the Old Bailey Court in London in a statement that he had been due to become a father again.

Adam-Smith, of Islington, London, absconded from police at a mental health facility last April after being arrested for an assault on his girlfriend.

Just a few hours later, he stole the van and began driving while high on marijuana.

The court heard how Adam-Smith, driving whilst smoking marijuana, was responsible for more than a dozen damaged vehicles and narrowly missed children and bus passengers as he mounted the sidewalk at more than 40mph.

He then mowed down Mr Aman.

Despite the fatal collision, Adam-Smith did not stop, dragging the cycle under his van. He collided with two more cars as police gave chase. He eventually got stuck in traffic, but police had to break the vehicles windows as the marijuana induced criminal refused to get out.

Adam-Smith denied murder but admitted manslaughter due to diminished responsibility because of psychosis caused by marijuana.

Judge Steven Kramer QC adjourned sentencing for psychiatric reports but he warned Adam-Smith: "The likelihood is that you will be facing substantial imprisonment."

Yet again a simple smoke of marijuana has ruined the lives of at least two families.

Yet again, peoples lives are completely overshadowed by marijuana. And it is all so unnecessary.

If you smoke marijuana, cannabis, skunk, MJ, pot or whatever you call it - please don't think you are being judged or you are on your own. For advice on how to quit smoking pot, please visit our help site.

Francis Taylor, ex marijuana addict, is creator of the unique How To Stop Smoking Marijuana Program. He has helped thousands of people, young and old to quit marijuana - for good.

For more information on how to quit marijuana, please go to, e-mail:

How to Quit Marijuana - Simple Steps You Can Use to Quit Smoking Marijuana Today

Marijuana is a common drug used extensively in both the Americas and Europe. While widely regulated against by law, it is probably the most commonly used 'illicit drug' in the Western World (Next to underage use of alcohol.)

Many people are more interested in how to get marijuana than how to quit marijuana.

Most people who have experimented with drugs report having used marijuana, as it is considered by many to be a relatively harmless drug, at least when compared to the likes of heroin, crack, speed and LSD.

There are a number of controversies surrounding this naturally occurring psychotropic substance:

Is it addictive, and if so, how addictive is it?

Unlike nicotine, crack, and caffeine, where chemical dependence can be realized with very low exposure to the active chemicals, most drug enforcement and treatment organizations list marijuana in the top ten to twenty lists of addictive substances.

The battle over the addictive properties of marijuana rage on between opponents and proponents of this drug. Most agree that the addiction results from an acquired dependency to the brain chemical changes produced by marijuana rather than a physical dependency to any chemical in the plant itself.

Those arguing against the addictive classification of this drug site that many people have had little trouble quitting, even after years of heavy use.

However, since many who want to give up marijuana use need help to find out out how to quit marijuana, it is clear that, like alcohol, marijuana can lead to dependency in at least some people.

What are the symptoms of marijuana abuse and addiction?

Much like alcohol, marijuana is a recreation drug used for the euphoric high it produces in the user. Users describe a wide range of emotional reactions including:

Peace and a sense of well being.
Relaxation and a release from stress and tension.
Giddiness and happiness.

All well and good, but like any artificially induced emotional state, it comes at a price.

When the effect wears off, there is the resulting crash. While it does not carry the baggage of the alcohol induced hangover, the empty feeling after coming off of marijuana use is one of the reasons many give for wanting to quit.

While under the influence of marijuana, your judgment and reactions are impaired, as well as your ability to make rational decisions.

While it can (and is) argued that occasional marijuana use causes not more harm than social drinking of alcohol, this drug does have significant effects on several centers of the brain controlling speech, memory and cognition. Long term use can produce symptoms including:

Loss of ambition and focus.
Difficulty remembering facts and events clearly.
Emotional issues, including depression.
Anxiety and even paranoia.
Obsession with and obsessive need for the drug.

The point is, people get to the point where they want to give it up. Their life is not what they want it to be, and marijuana use is one of the reasons why. They want to know how to quit marijuana.

Fortunately, since marijuana does not contain any physically addictive compounds like nicotine and caffeine, you don't have to go through the direct physical withdrawal symptoms.

However, the secondary addictive effects are still a difficult hurdle to face.

Once you quit, the centers of your brain that are accustomed to processing the mood changing elements in marijuana can react with chemical changes of their own. These can produce anxiety, obsessive thoughts about marijuana and a strong desire to continue your habit.

This can be difficult, but far from impossible.

Some tips on how to quit marijuana:

First, admit that you have an addiction. This first step is common to all behavioral change programs. People with alcohol, gambling, eating and shopping issues all had to confess, at least to themselves, that they have a problem. Without this first step, the rest of the plan will almost surely fail.
Admit to someone else that you have an addiction. Man has been described as the only rational animal, but it is often more accurate to say he is a 'rationalizing animal'. Our highly adaptive natures which have allowed us to conquer and thrive in hostile and uncooperative environments can also work against us, making us think that what is bad for us is really not so bad.
By sharing your load with someone you trust, you can get regular doses of 'reality checks' that can remind you of why you wanted to quit in the first place.
Change your lifestyle. Recovering alcoholics stop going to bars, gamblers with problems stop going to Vegas, and you will need to avoid the places (and people) associated with marijuana use.
Get some exercise. Not only will it improve your general health, it will it use up time during the day that could otherwise be spent using marijuana. In addition, exercise produces it's own chemical changes in the brain and body which can substitute for those you are missing. It also reduces the stress that contributed to marijuana use in the first place.
Get involved. Keep your mind active. Read, write, take classes, expand your horizons.
Keep a journal. Record your feelings about why you want to quit and what you want to be when you are done. Re-read your entries from time to time to keep up your resolve.
If you have a faith based or spiritual outlook, do not ignore it. Many of the organizations dedicated to changing negative behavior consider the help of a higher power or the spiritual aspect of your being to be essential to ultimate success.

Peter Hill is an expert in helping people change their habits. He runs an informational website that provides tips, audio and stories to help people quit marijuana naturally and easily, without cravings or discomfort. To take advantage of this cool stuff and more make sure to check out Peter's site Quit Marijuana Now at

Smoking Marijuana and Using Positive Affirmations

The power of the mind is extraordinary and smoking weed can have significant long term affects to your mind. I believe it is like anything, if you use it too much it has the potential to damage your body, if you can learn to control yourself then you shouldn't have a problem.

If you are like many thousands and thousands of people out there who have a hard time to stop smoking weed (marijuana) then you may have just stumbled across one of the best free methods to give up your cannabis addiction once and for good.

What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a positive statement that is written in present tense and not in the future or in the past. Affirmations have proven to be miraculous and can do wonders for your life. You can use affirmations to reprogram any area of your life that you feel needs improvement and especially marijuana abuse.

By repeating a positive affirmation over and over again we are creating new pathways in our brains which will eventually form to create a new belief system if repeated often enough. Which in turn leads to a cannabis free lifestyle. The advantage in doing this is that even if we do not believe something to be true we can reprogram ourselves to believe what we desire to be true. It's similar to programming your mind or brain washing yourself. This brain washing has already occurred in your life and we can program you with different beliefs in the exact same method as this previous programming made its way into your brain in the first place. Repetition! How do you think weed (marijuana) became part of your life in the first place? Repetition of course.

How can affirmations help the weed smoker then? You smoke because you have created an addiction to cannabis which is a feeling. This feeling can be undone by using affirmations. I encourage you to use affirmations as often as possible and repeat statements to yourself over and over again. Remember, when using affirmations you must only repeat what you desire and not more of what you don't want. So you should say "I am healthy" instead of "I don't smoke marijuana". When you use the word "weed", "cannabis" or "marijuana" in your affirmations, your mind will hear that word "marijuana" and start to attract more of it. So make sure you ONLY use the words that are describing what you desire.

Here are some affirmations you can use to help you give up cannabis;

- I do not smoke. My lungs are strong and healthy. I am able to breathe deeply and fully.

- Taking care of myself physically is important to me. I like keeping myself fit and feeling good.

- I am a non-smoker - and I am proud of myself.

- I have more energy and stamina than ever before. I enjoy life and I'm glad to be here.

- When I see a cigarette or a joint, or even think of one, I automatically hear the words "I do not smoke" - and I don't!

- I really enjoy breathing clean, fresh air, being healthy and being in complete control of my body and my mind.

Remember if you desire to cannabis free, then you can be using affirmations! Stop your chronic marijuana habit today and try it out. Repeat the affirmations above every morning and night for a minimum of 30 days. I guarantee you will no longer desire marijuana.

I wish you great success and a happy cannabis free lifestyle.

The Cannabis Coach provides an interactive complete marijuana stop-smoking system to guide you through your mental and physical cravings from your quit date on to smoke-free status. Get your life back on track and start saving money!

How to Stop Smoking Pot - Marijuana & the Brain

When you embark on your search to learn how to stop smoking pot one of the things that you must be keen to understand is how marijuana affects the brain and how this in turn affects your addiction and your choices surrounding smoking and quitting.

Marijuana has a chemical component called THC which most pot smokers know of. It is this chemical that causes the feelings of a high that can mellow you out and can also cause paranoia and panic in some users also. It is the chemical that you are etste3d for in a drug test also. THC in marijuana however is NOT addictive like nicotine from cigarettes are or others chemicals from harder drugs.

So how do people become addicted to a non-addictive substance then?

When we do any activity that causes a high of some sorts we stimulate the reward center of our brain which controls what we believe is rewarding and fulfilling. Over a long period of time smoking marijuana often we become wired to treat marijuana as a needed 'reward' so when you feel down it will be the first thing you think of to get you out of a funk. It also becomes habitual just as other rewarding acts become in people's lives.

So what happens when you try to quit smoking Pot?

Without this reward you will feel something is missing and you get a mental if not a physical craving for marijuana; you want it but you do not NEED it. This does not mean you are weak willed but it can often be confusing when you consciously know pot is not good for you anymore but you feel that without it you might be even worse off.

To this effect you must 'rewire' your brain to realize that you can be rewarded and fulfilled through other things. Exercise, hobbies, social interaction and many other things can replace this nagging voice that keeps telling you to smoke pot. This is a major part in plotting out your plan to stop smoking weed.

For more information on How to Stop Smoking Pot click below for a review of a guide by an ex-addict who knows what you are going through and exactly how to beat it.

Cannabis Coach Review

Marijuana - Parents, Be Afraid - What You Need to Know

A lot of us may have smoked a little pot in years past and never had much of a problem with it. We don't want to see our kids using any type of drug, but if it was only marijuana, at least internally, we'd be relieved.

After all, what's the harm?

Unfortunately, time marches on, and since we used marijuana as kids, the bud has changed somewhat. Marijuana is as much as ten times stronger than it was in decades past, and with increased strength comes increased addiction, social problems and mental and physical harms. The marijuana of 20 years ago bears little resemblance to what's circulating in schoolyards today, and once you get into today's marijuana can have a lot of trouble getting out.

There are currently more teens in drug programs in America for marijuana addiction than for any other form of drug.

The Harms


Marijuana is now addictive, has a syndrome of detox, and an awful lot of people who might otherwise like to stop or at least cut back their consumption find that they can't

The detox symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include insomnia, headaches, irritability, nausea, lethargy and a lack of appetite, and they are combined with some pretty serious cravings to use. It's not a heroin detox, but it's pretty tough, pretty uncomfortable, and the cravings are enough to stop most who try on their own before they make it out of the first week.

Cognitive declines

Marijuana makes you dumb; not forever, but for about 24 hours after you smoke you show significant declines in concentration performance, verbal and mathematical reasoning and in general memory abilities.

Obviously for kids whose main job is the learning they'll need for a successful future, anything that lowers their mental performance significantly is pretty problematic. Especially so as since marijuana is so addictive many people who begin as occasional users become daily smokers, and essentially exist perpetually under the negative influence of their abuse.

A lack of initiative

It's sad but true, while you're high, your main ambition in life seems to be to sit on the couch, eating snacks and playing video games. Not exactly the path to success in life.

Psychiatric conditions

The more kids smoke and the earlier they start, the greater the probability that they will experience depression or even psychosis later in life. Marijuana is not what it was, and the long term influence of today's powerfully psychotropic marijuana can be profound, and tragic.


While it's not something that living in the present teens think about too much, marijuana smoke is carcinogenic, and smoking marijuana exposes you to a lot of the same health risks as does smoking cigarettes.

Take it seriously

Marijuana is not meth, and it's true that your kids could be doing far more dangerous things than smoking a joint; but marijuana is harmful, it can derail otherwise promising futures, it does carry some pretty significant health risks and you need to take it seriously.

Marijuana is not what it was.

Keep your kids safe from marijuana:

Or read the daily blog entry at

The Secrets of Quitting Marijuana: Even If Everyone Around You Is Still Smoking

Many people reach a point in life where its time to quit smoking cannabis. One of the most common challenges for people today is quitting pot while they still have friends or family who continue to smoke around them. From breaking the cycle, to acknowledging that only you can do this, talking with the people in your life, laying down ground rules and spending time with your friends and not smoking. This article will discuss the basics of quitting marijuana naturally and easily while still being around all your friends who still smoke.

The best way to be successful at quitting weed is to break the habits of taking breaks to smoke with friends. The challenge with this is that people experience a withdrawal from their friends and marijuana buddies. So if you are going to quit, you will have to take time to remove yourself from the places where cannabis is smoked. Just remember that just because you have made the decision to quit pot doesn't mean that you have to stop seeing your friends for good. It just means that you will have to do some things that will change the relationship dynamics.

The first step will be in realizing that nobody cares about whether you quit marijuana now or not expect for you. You will be alone in your journey to quit, and the solitude may be tough at first but will easier with practice. The reason alcoholics and weed smokers stick together is so that nobody quits. Become a leader for yourself and others and take control of your life. Otherwise you will be a follower and it will be your friends who shape your destiny.

The way to take control is to talk to the cannabis smokers in your life and discuss your decision. You want to make your friends commit to helping you, you want them to know that quitting marijuana is very important to you and that you want them to promise that they help you quit. You should also mention to them that you do not expect them to quit just because of you, but that you do expect them to put the pressure on you to stick with your plan. Quitting will always be a personal decision, and no one can do it for you. This is first most important step.

Next you need to lay down some ground rules with all the people in your life regarding this issue. Make it very clear and simple that you are counting on them to cooperate and help you quit. Tell them where they can smoke when they want to but be sure to have something that you can have to distract your own attention. Even something as simple as making a phone call, or playing a video game instead of smoking will work wonders.

The reason you will need something to distract your self is that most friendships will naturally involve being together and smoke marijuana together. Get used to going out to the bars, or to parties and not smoking cannabis. Each time you go out, and hang out with your friends without smoking you will reinforce that behavior until it is automatic. This way you will naturally quit without any stress, strain or confusion.

It is definitely a great thing when you have quit smoking marijuana for good, and still have all your old friends be supportive of you. If you can just remember to continually break your old pattern of smoking, take responsibility and become a leader, tell people about your decision to quit and lay down your ground rules, accustom yourself to going out with and spending time with your friends. This way you can quit pot even while everyone else still smokes, and keep your friends that you care about while settings a great example of self control.

Peter Hill is a human resources specialist and an expert in helping people change their habits. He runs an informational website that provides tips, audio and stories to help people quit marijuana naturally and easily, without cravings or discomfort. To take advantage of this cool stuff and more make sure to check out Peter's site at

Monday, September 27, 2010

Quit Marijuana With The Ultimate Success Formula

There are many ways to go about changing the way you live your life and making the adjustment to quit marijuana. One method of personal transformation that has been exceptional well received by the personal development community is a simple system known as the ultimate success formula. From making a clear decision about exactly what you want, taking massive action towards your chosen goal of quitting marijuana, noticing if you have been effective or not, and changing your approach as needed to eventually and predictably obtain what you want. This article will introduce to ultimate success formula within the context of quitting pot for good.

How Do You Want Things To Be Once You Have Successfully Quit Marijuana

One of the most critical moments for someone who wishes to quit cannabis is deciding exactly what they want for themselves. Being clear about your goal, and having a specific outcome is so important. Do you want to quit marijuana completely or have the self control to only smoke with friends. Do you want to be able to feel comfortable with people smoking weed around you or do you want to remove it from your life completely. When you make your decision, write it down in a clear simple statement of purpose. Clearly the first step is knowing what you want, the next step is making things the way you want them.

Take Action And Do Everything In Your Power

There are a series of steps you will begin to take as you follow your plan to quit pot and they are always specific to each person. The best way to get started is by making a list of all the things you will do, and beginning at once (whether you are entirely ready or not) to carry out the actions you have written down. For many people it starts with throwing out all the marijuana paraphernalia, throwing out lighters, ash treys and getting rid of your stash. Another thing that might be included on the list would be calling up your friends you smoke pot with and telling them that you are making the decision to quit. Many people also find it helpful to commit to a number of people they are close with and agree to pay them a $20 bill if you turn back on your plan. Since you don't want to be paying someone just so they can tell you your an idiot, there is a high probability that you will follow through in the end. But even after taking massive action towards the goal of quitting pot, many people worry about not being successful.

Notice What Is And Isn't Working

Often times people plan to quit marijuana only to find that there are obstacles in the way. As you go about your daily routine it isn't uncommon to find that certain people or things will trigger the desire to smoke pot. The best way to be ultimately successful is to notice how you are responding to things once you have quit and take inventory of what is working and what isn't. Often times people find that throwing away all of their cannabis related items helps them quit at home, but find that when out with friends they still crave a joint. You may find that you want to write down what is working and what is not working. This way you can proceed to change your approach.

Change Your Approach

Part of effectively using the ultimate success formula is being able to notice what isn't working and changing your approach in order to respond to the feedback you are getting. For example if you find that you are spending time with people you ordinarily wouldn't spend time with just to get high again, then you can be sure that changing who you spend time with is a decision you need to make. For other people it may be that they stay off weed for some time only to smoke when they are drunk at a party. Whatever the situation that brings about a relapse, be sure that you just need to change your approach and move on. It may even seem completely obvious, but it is a necessary step in order to be successful.

Since 80% of quitting marijuana is simply a psychological challenge, use your intelligent brain to overcome your old habits. Become crystal clear about what you want and how you want to be when you quit pot, take massive action towards your goal, notice what isn't working and change your approach until you are free. Once you have successfully used the formula to quit weed, you can use it for anything else. Use it with my blessing. The sky is the limit.

Peter Hill is a human resources specialist and an expert in helping people change their habits. He runs an informational website that provides tips, audio and stories to help people quit marijuana naturally and easily, without cravings or discomfort. To take advantage of this cool stuff and more make sure to check out Peter's site at

How to Stop Smoking Weed - Addiction Triggers

How to stop smoking weed can be a simple thing for some people and a terribly difficult thing for others. This is partly due to genetics, partly from personal choices and mostly to do with an understanding of yourself more than the drug itself.

One factor that can be a big stumbling block for many addicted to marijuana is that they do not really understand what a trigger is, what they are for their own addiction and how to over come them.

What is a trigger?

A trigger is an action or event that affects you consciously or subconsciously that sets of a craving to smoke marijuana. While some may be obvious like a friend offering you a smoke there are many that are less conspicuous and takes a bit of self psychoanalyzing to get to the heart of the matter.

What sort of triggers are there?

Some common triggers include stress, depression, lack of direction and other broad kind of areas but his is often quite obvious. The trick is to understand them more specifically. For instance one trigger might be that you have always smoked when you return home from work, just because you decide to quit does not mean that trigger goes away. Just that time of day may set of a response in your mind to seek out this habitual ritual. Another trigger might be if you have issues with confrontation and every time you have a bad day at work or get into an argument with your spouse or something that anxiety is washed away by smoking pot usually. When you quit your issues with confrontation do not go away but your crutch is no longer there.

What does knowing your triggers mean for you.

Having an in depth understanding of your cannabis smoking triggers means that you can develop a PLAN to overcome each of these situations. If you are prepared for a trigger you can have a set plan of action you can leap into when it happens. If you have a bad day at work ALWAYS go for a run for instance, the high of exercise due to endorphins can actually help. If you have confrontation problems work on them and make sure when they happen you have a way of coping that is not marijuana. The more informed and prepared you are the less likely you are to relapse when your brain screams at you for the comfort of marijuana.

For more information on How to Stop Smoking Weed click below for a review of a guide by an ex-addict who knows what you are going through and exactly how to beat it.

Cannabis Coach Review

Pot Addiction, Is It Really A Big Deal?

Other than alcohol, Marijuana is the foremost leading drug that opens avenues to other addictions. Analysts consider Marijuana a "gateway" drug. Many drug addicts, when honestly analyzing their past, are able to see where early experimentation with Marijuana eventually led to more harmful drugs like cocaine, heroin and other hardcore addictions.

But what about the "pot-head", the individual that doesn't use or has never used other hardcore drugs, rarely drinks or not at all, but only smokes pot everyday or every other day? Does this sound like you? Maybe you have done this most of your life and have had very few negative side affects. Maybe you've never lost a job because of your usage. Maybe you've never been arrested for drugs and maybe have never really been in trouble with the law at all. You just like to enjoy a joint or two after a hard days work. You deserve it. Some people drink but you just smoke weed. Where's the harm, right?

As with any other addictions, these are some of the many justifications drug addicts will use to minimize the grim reality that they have a serious problem. Have you ever used the excuses above or ones like them? If you smoke pot, do you sometimes find it hard to keep track of time? Have you noticed any change in your short-term memory? What about performing tasks requiring concentration, like driving, swimming, playing sports, reading and writing? Or do you tell yourself that you do these things "better" under the influence of Marijuana? Do you ever find yourself getting paranoid? Have you ever been so high that you had hallucinations or visions of things not really there?

Marijuana addiction can lead you, if it hasn't already, into many unfavorable destinations. It is illegal and getting busted with pot, or being under the influence of it, can send you to jail and mark you as a convicted felon for the rest of your life. It can lower your body's ability to fight disease. The tar levels in Marijuana exceed that in cigarettes and extended use can cause lung cancer. You may have already experienced the undependable and irresponsible behavior associated with pot use. You may have difficulty learning and making wise decisions. You may feel like you've lost some of the physical and mental motivation that you once had. Maybe getting high just isn't working for you like it used to but you just don't know how to stop.

Marijuana is one of the few street drugs that stay in the body for an extended amount of time. A 28 day treatment program will help you expel the drug from your system while giving you a chance to clear your head. Going from a constant foggy state of mind to a clear one won't happen overnight, but as the drug leaves your system, you will feel better, look and be more coherent and regain your ability to be the person you once were.

For more information on alcohol and drug addiction, please visit: Alcohol and Drug Rehab. For information on intervention, please visit: Intervention. For testamonials on how rehab worked for them, please visit: Testamonials.

Patrick McLemore has been a recovering alcoholic and drug addict since June 6, 2005. Patrick widely known as an expert in the field of addictions, he has not only studied the topic extensively, but has lived it. Patrick has worked with the Manor House Recovery Center for over two years. During that time he has been instrumental in the recovery and continued sobriety of numerous recovering alcoholic and drug addicts.

How to Quit Smoking Pot - Building a Plan

How to quit smoking pot is not something to take lightly if you are addicted to marijuana. Many people can kick the habit quite easily but other struggle again and again quitting then relapsing over and again as only an addict can. This does not mean you are weak willed or incompetent but often it does mean you embarked on this journey full of passion but without a plan.

A plan does not need to be overly complicated, in fact a simple plan is often better than something convoluted. What the point of it is to order yourself into a routine that will overcome the problems you have faced quitting. It also means having action plans to put into effect if you are tempted with cravings from some addiction trigger that may waylay you.

So a skeleton outline might be:

Set a quit date.
Throw out all remaining pot (do not smoke it!)
Get rid of all weed paraphernalia (bongs etc)
Exercise every day at least 30 minutes
Reward self with something nice and non drug related each week of being weed free

Action plans

If tempted immediately call family for a chat
If tempted get out of the house straight away
If tempted take out list of reasons to quit and read

This may seem very simplistic but you will be amazed at how writing these things down and having them clear in your mind at all times will help along with your own willpower. How to quit smoking pot will be an easy question to answer once your framework is up and you feel more confident that those plans on paper will not be confused like what happens in your mind when you start craving for weed.

For more information on How to Quit Smoking Pot click below for a review of a guide by an ex-addict who knows what you are going through and exactly how to beat it.

Cannabis Coach Review

Marijuana Drug Slang Every Parent Should Know

As a parent, one of the most difficult aspects of raising a teenager is to help your child fight the urge use alcohol and drugs. Educating yourself regarding the drug slang of marijuana, the most widely abused illicit substance, is an essential step in determining if your teen is smoking the drug and then begin home drug testing to stop the problem before it develops into a habit. Each new generation of young people develop new slang terms for the multitude of drugs that they have access to and it is important to stay on the top of the ever changing terminology.

The Most Commonly Used Marijuana Slang

Marijuana itself is known by many different names depending upon the region of the country, potency of the marijuana, color and other subtle differences in the plant which acts a secret code to determine what a user is offering or purchasing. The slang terms include "pot," "weed," "herb," "bud," "chronic," "ganja," "hash," "trees," and "dank." A bag of marijuana is referred to as a "sack" or "bag" and will often times be described and called upon based upon the weight of the marijuana like "quad" or "eighth" (which means a quarter of an ounce and an eighth, respectively). The utensils and tools used to smoke marijuana have their own abundance of slang terms including "bong," "pipe," "piece," "blunt," and "joint." Learning the various definitions and meanings of the slang terms for marijuana will empower you as a parent to take preemptive steps in order to prevent marijuana usage in your own home.

Coded and Subtle Differences

The common slang terms of weed and pot are interchangeable when referring to any marijuana in general but certain coded vernacular refers specifically to the potency of the drug. The word "chronic" is known throughout the drug circles as the term for the strongest, most powerful strains of marijuana. Grown indoors or hydroponically, "chronic" maximizes THC content producing super potent pot. On the other end of the spectrum, the slang word "schwag" or "brick" is generally used to describe inexpensive, low quality marijuana which is usually grown outdoors in bulk fields under inferior conditions. The slang "brick" refers to the packaging and pressing method used by many drug cartels to literally smash together and form bricks of the marijuana. Understanding the subtle differences between these marijuana drug slang terms can help you as a parent gain a stronger understanding of which type of pot and how much of it your child may be using.

Terminology of Smoking Utensils

A teenager who has been using and ultimately abusing marijuana will inevitably begin experimentation with the plethora of different tools which can be used to smoke the drug and understanding the different slang terms can help you determine how your child is ingesting the pot. The most commonly used item to smoke marijuana is a simple metal or glass pipe through which the substance is smoked through and inhaled. General slang for pipes include "bubbler," "piece," "hammer," "one hitter," and "tools." More advanced or adventurous smokers use a water pipe, universally referred to as a "bong." Simple hand rolled marijuana cigarettes are called "joints" (often rolled using a common cigarette paper called "zig zags") while a marijuana cigar is known as a "blunt" and is often filled with super potent "chronic."

Dealing and Distribution Slang

Unfortunately, marijuana abuse can lead many teenagers to sell the drug in order to support their habit. There are important slang terms solely related to dealing and distributing the pot. In order to weigh and break up the marijuana, a person needs a scale. The three most commonly used scales are called "hand scales" for the simplicity and ease of use when in someone's hand, a "digi" because it is a digital scale, and a "tri-beam" which refers to a triple beam balance (think like a high school chemistry set). The price and bag sizes of marijuana are based upon the weight, so pay close attention for slang terms like "eighth," "zip (ounce)" or "QP" (quarter pound).

By combining your knowledge of the slang terms for marijuana, the tools used to smoke the drug, the terms used in its distribution, and simple home drug testing kits you can be assured as a parent that you are doing everything possible to keep your family drug free.

Frank Shepard is an institutional leader on home drug tests and a valuable source of information about marijuana drug testing.