Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Stop Smoking Weed - Addiction Triggers

How to stop smoking weed can be a simple thing for some people and a terribly difficult thing for others. This is partly due to genetics, partly from personal choices and mostly to do with an understanding of yourself more than the drug itself.

One factor that can be a big stumbling block for many addicted to marijuana is that they do not really understand what a trigger is, what they are for their own addiction and how to over come them.

What is a trigger?

A trigger is an action or event that affects you consciously or subconsciously that sets of a craving to smoke marijuana. While some may be obvious like a friend offering you a smoke there are many that are less conspicuous and takes a bit of self psychoanalyzing to get to the heart of the matter.

What sort of triggers are there?

Some common triggers include stress, depression, lack of direction and other broad kind of areas but his is often quite obvious. The trick is to understand them more specifically. For instance one trigger might be that you have always smoked when you return home from work, just because you decide to quit does not mean that trigger goes away. Just that time of day may set of a response in your mind to seek out this habitual ritual. Another trigger might be if you have issues with confrontation and every time you have a bad day at work or get into an argument with your spouse or something that anxiety is washed away by smoking pot usually. When you quit your issues with confrontation do not go away but your crutch is no longer there.

What does knowing your triggers mean for you.

Having an in depth understanding of your cannabis smoking triggers means that you can develop a PLAN to overcome each of these situations. If you are prepared for a trigger you can have a set plan of action you can leap into when it happens. If you have a bad day at work ALWAYS go for a run for instance, the high of exercise due to endorphins can actually help. If you have confrontation problems work on them and make sure when they happen you have a way of coping that is not marijuana. The more informed and prepared you are the less likely you are to relapse when your brain screams at you for the comfort of marijuana.

For more information on How to Stop Smoking Weed click below for a review of a guide by an ex-addict who knows what you are going through and exactly how to beat it.

Cannabis Coach Review

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