It feels almost silly, and it's not as if you're a heroin junky or anything, shouldn't you just be able to quit marijuana when you want to? Marijuana is addictive. It's not as addictive as narcotics or cocaine, but since the potency of the drug has increased so much over the last decades so to has marijuana become an addictive substance; and when you try to stop, as with an addiction to any drug, there is a syndrome of detox.
Marijuana detox pains include insomnia, irritability, headaches, nausea and others, and all are combined with an incredible carving to use. Detox is real, and it's tough enough that a lot of people just can't get past the first week of abstinence, and in a moment of weakness just light up that joint that they know is going to make all the pain go away.
You can beat an addiction to marijuana, here's how.
1) Get off the couch
Seriously, it's the last thing that you'll feel like doing, but a day of play station in a darkened room does not bode well for your quest at sobriety. Don't spend the day brooding and moping, force yourself to get off the couch, and get out and do something active.
Do something that you don't associate with marijuana, do something active, do it with sober friends and choose something that's going to last all day and hopefully tire you out. You only need to make it through 3 or 4 days to get through the worst of it, so you only need 3 or 4 good day long activities and you're done.
2) Exercise
It's the depression, the anxiety and the insomnia that get most of us when we try to quit, and there aren't any medications that really work to better these symptoms of detox. Thankfully, simple vigorous exercise can help a lot.
You'll feel lethargic and you won't want to get out and get active, but once you do, you'll get your heart rate up, start the endorphins pumping and you'll start to feel a lot better, a lot less depressed, and if you exercise for long enough, you might just tire yourself out enough to get to sleep at night!
3) Go to a meeting
This last one seems extreme, and most of us who get addicted to marijuana still don't consider ourselves addicts like those people that need NA. Bu we've got to face the facts here, and if you are addicted, you are an addict, and that's exactly the kind of people that benefit from NA meetings.
You may not have to go forever, but meetings are free and there is little harm in giving it a try; and who knows, it might help a lot. It might make the difference. Marijuana addiction is real, it's tough to get past it, and there aren't really any medications or therapies that can ease the pains of detox. You just need determination, you need to get active and you need to get a little support to see you through.
You can do it, it will be worth it, and you'll feel much better, much more energetic and far sharper once you no longer need to smoke pot at all hours of the day. You only live once, and once marijuana becomes more harmful than enjoyable, you've got to face facts and get sober.
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