Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Harmful Effects of Smoking Marijuana - The Simple Truth


While some states now have allowed smoking marijuana when medically prescribed such as for those suffering from aids or cancer, it is illegal. Most states have no such law and while there is definite evidence that medical marijuana may have its benefits, smoking it illegally for non-medical reasons is never a good idea. Some states have laws where for the most part it is a misdemeanor for having possession of a small amount of weed, however depending on how much you have on your possession, you could be charged with intent to sell, AND if you were to be busted within a certain number of feet from a school, the charges become much more serious.


Many employers can and do conduct random drug tests. In most cases it is written somewhere that using illegal substances is grounds for termination and therefore you very well might be risking your job every time you decide to smoke pot. Also, almost ALL employers these days do a drug screening prior to hiring someone. With the state of the job market and the economy is it really worth it to get high?


Just as smoking cigarettes has its risks, smoking pot does too. It stains your teeth and leaves your gums more vulnerable to disease as well as other risks that go up when you smoke.


If you are a pot smoker, whether it is even just occasionally or regularly you should do what you can to stop. Get all the facts now about how it can do you more harm than good.

For more information on how smoking marijuana can damage your health please visit How Marijuana Effects your health as soon as possible. This is an excellent article that will tell you how smoking pot will hurt you in both the long and the short term. Stop Smoking Online Today is a web-site dedicated to assisting those who want to stop smoking and just need the information and resources to help them.

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